Dolomites - 2024, acrylic on panel, 33x41cm
Dolomites - 2024, acrylic on panel, 33x41cm
Diver 2 - 2006, acrylic on canvas, 82x100cm
Diver 2 - 2006, acrylic on canvas, 82x100cm
Diver 1 - 2006, acrylic on paper, 42x59cm
Diver 1 - 2006, acrylic on paper, 42x59cm
Flame - 2011, oil on board, 122x81cm
Flame - 2011, oil on board, 122x81cm
Glass - 2024, acrylic on canvas, 33x41cm
Glass - 2024, acrylic on canvas, 33x41cm
Romsdalshornet - 2020, acrylic on canvas, 40x30cm
Romsdalshornet - 2020, acrylic on canvas, 40x30cm
Roof of the world - 2021, acrylic on canvas board, 41x33cm
Roof of the world - 2021, acrylic on canvas board, 41x33cm
Storm - 2024, acrylic on canvas, 40x50cm
Storm - 2024, acrylic on canvas, 40x50cm
Gold peak - 2024, acrylic on canvas, 40x30cm
Gold peak - 2024, acrylic on canvas, 40x30cm
Bølger - 2022, acrylic on canvas board, 30x40cm
Bølger - 2022, acrylic on canvas board, 30x40cm
Sunset peaks - 2022, acrylic on canvas, 40x30cm
Sunset peaks - 2022, acrylic on canvas, 40x30cm
Red and blue - 2024, acrylic on canvas, 60x80cm
Red and blue - 2024, acrylic on canvas, 60x80cm
Gjenferd - 2022, acrylic on canvas, 30x30cm
Gjenferd - 2022, acrylic on canvas, 30x30cm
Waves - 2023, acrylic on panel, 27x35cm
Waves - 2023, acrylic on panel, 27x35cm
The tree and the mountain - 2022, acrylic on canvas, 40x50 cm
The tree and the mountain - 2022, acrylic on canvas, 40x50 cm
String - 2023, acrylic on canvas, 50x70 cm
String - 2023, acrylic on canvas, 50x70 cm
Hårek - 2021, acrylic on canvas, 24x30cm
Hårek - 2021, acrylic on canvas, 24x30cm
Double vision - 2024, acrylic on panel, 27x35cm
Double vision - 2024, acrylic on panel, 27x35cm
Dream - 2022, acrylic on canvas, 30x20cm
Dream - 2022, acrylic on canvas, 30x20cm
Lizard Point - 2020, acrylic on canvas, 150x70cm
Lizard Point - 2020, acrylic on canvas, 150x70cm
Untitled - 2011, oil on canvas, 150x70cm
Untitled - 2011, oil on canvas, 150x70cm
Yellow - 2024, acrylic on canvas, 50x70cm
Yellow - 2024, acrylic on canvas, 50x70cm
Arctic waters - 2024, acrylic on canvas, 24x30cm
Arctic waters - 2024, acrylic on canvas, 24x30cm
Winds - 2020, acrylic on canvas, 33x24cm
Winds - 2020, acrylic on canvas, 33x24cm
Minced meat - 2007, oil on canvas, 80x100cm
Minced meat - 2007, oil on canvas, 80x100cm
Self portrait - 2005, acrylic on canvas on acrylic on canvas, 60x80 cm
Self portrait - 2005, acrylic on canvas on acrylic on canvas, 60x80 cm
Sheep's head - 2006, oil on canvas, 40x40 cm
Sheep's head - 2006, oil on canvas, 40x40 cm
Batman and Robin  - 2013-2024, acrylic on canvas, 76x76cm
Batman and Robin - 2013-2024, acrylic on canvas, 76x76cm
En underlig gråsprengt en - 2013, acrylic on board, 100x100cm
En underlig gråsprengt en - 2013, acrylic on board, 100x100cm
Mountains - 2013, acrylic on board, 100x100cm
Mountains - 2013, acrylic on board, 100x100cm
City burning - 2008, photographic print, 65x40cm
City burning - 2008, photographic print, 65x40cm
Machine - 2006, paint and pen on cardboard, 60x40 cm
Machine - 2006, paint and pen on cardboard, 60x40 cm
The Phantom's skull cave - 2009, cardboard, tape and permanent marker on wall
The Phantom's skull cave - 2009, cardboard, tape and permanent marker on wall
Carousel (diptych)- 2006, oil on canvas, both 50x50 cm
Carousel (diptych)- 2006, oil on canvas, both 50x50 cm
Ronald - 2009, installation detail; plastercine and cardboard
Ronald - 2009, installation detail; plastercine and cardboard
Princess Leia and TMNT having a BBQ - 2009, installation detail; cardboard, plastercine and broccoli
Princess Leia and TMNT having a BBQ - 2009, installation detail; cardboard, plastercine and broccoli
Utopia - 2009, installation view
Utopia - 2009, installation view
Raphael holding Nike shoes - 2009, installation detail; plastercine and mirror ball motor
Raphael holding Nike shoes - 2009, installation detail; plastercine and mirror ball motor
Utopia - 2009, installation view
Utopia - 2009, installation view
Leonardo holding a coke - 2009, installation detail; plastercine and mirror ball motor
Leonardo holding a coke - 2009, installation detail; plastercine and mirror ball motor
End of the rainbow - 2009, installation detail; painted cardboard, plastic, paper and glitter
End of the rainbow - 2009, installation detail; painted cardboard, plastic, paper and glitter
Snow - 2005, acrylic on paper, 42x59cm
Snow - 2005, acrylic on paper, 42x59cm
Waterfall - 2009, site specific installation for 'Quest for Paradise Art: Addressing the Boredom'
Waterfall - 2009, site specific installation for 'Quest for Paradise Art: Addressing the Boredom'
Waterfall - 2009, installation detail; painted cloth, cardboard, tape, plastic bowls, glitter
Waterfall - 2009, installation detail; painted cloth, cardboard, tape, plastic bowls, glitter
Ultimate burger - 2009, installation detail; painted clay figurine, mirror ball motor
Ultimate burger - 2009, installation detail; painted clay figurine, mirror ball motor
Pristine beach retreat  - 2009, site specific installation for 'Idle follies'
Pristine beach retreat - 2009, site specific installation for 'Idle follies'
Utopia - 2011, animation
Utopia - 2011, animation
Dolomites - 2024, acrylic on panel, 33x41cm
Dolomites - 2024, acrylic on panel, 33x41cm
Diver 2 - 2006, acrylic on canvas, 82x100cm
Diver 2 - 2006, acrylic on canvas, 82x100cm
Diver 1 - 2006, acrylic on paper, 42x59cm
Diver 1 - 2006, acrylic on paper, 42x59cm
Flame - 2011, oil on board, 122x81cm
Flame - 2011, oil on board, 122x81cm
Glass - 2024, acrylic on canvas, 33x41cm
Glass - 2024, acrylic on canvas, 33x41cmAvailable for purchase
Romsdalshornet - 2020, acrylic on canvas, 40x30cm
Romsdalshornet - 2020, acrylic on canvas, 40x30cmAvailable for purchase
Roof of the world - 2021, acrylic on canvas board, 41x33cm
Roof of the world - 2021, acrylic on canvas board, 41x33cmAvailable for purchase
Storm - 2024, acrylic on canvas, 40x50cm
Storm - 2024, acrylic on canvas, 40x50cmAvailable for purchase
Gold peak - 2024, acrylic on canvas, 40x30cm
Gold peak - 2024, acrylic on canvas, 40x30cmAvailable for purchase
Bølger - 2022, acrylic on canvas board, 30x40cm
Bølger - 2022, acrylic on canvas board, 30x40cm
Sunset peaks - 2022, acrylic on canvas, 40x30cm
Sunset peaks - 2022, acrylic on canvas, 40x30cmAvailable for purchase
Red and blue - 2024, acrylic on canvas, 60x80cm
Red and blue - 2024, acrylic on canvas, 60x80cmAvailable for purchase
Gjenferd - 2022, acrylic on canvas, 30x30cm
Gjenferd - 2022, acrylic on canvas, 30x30cmAvailable for purchase
Waves - 2023, acrylic on panel, 27x35cm
Waves - 2023, acrylic on panel, 27x35cmAvailable for purchase
The tree and the mountain - 2022, acrylic on canvas, 40x50 cm
The tree and the mountain - 2022, acrylic on canvas, 40x50 cmAvailable for purchase
String - 2023, acrylic on canvas, 50x70 cm
String - 2023, acrylic on canvas, 50x70 cmAvailable for purchase
Hårek - 2021, acrylic on canvas, 24x30cm
Hårek - 2021, acrylic on canvas, 24x30cm
Double vision - 2024, acrylic on panel, 27x35cm
Double vision - 2024, acrylic on panel, 27x35cmAvailable for purchase
Dream - 2022, acrylic on canvas, 30x20cm
Dream - 2022, acrylic on canvas, 30x20cmAvailable for purchase
Lizard Point - 2020, acrylic on canvas, 150x70cm
Lizard Point - 2020, acrylic on canvas, 150x70cmSold
Untitled - 2011, oil on canvas, 150x70cm
Untitled - 2011, oil on canvas, 150x70cmSold
Yellow - 2024, acrylic on canvas, 50x70cm
Yellow - 2024, acrylic on canvas, 50x70cmAvailable for purchase
Arctic waters - 2024, acrylic on canvas, 24x30cm
Arctic waters - 2024, acrylic on canvas, 24x30cmAvailable for purchase
Winds - 2020, acrylic on canvas, 33x24cm
Winds - 2020, acrylic on canvas, 33x24cmAvailable for purchase
Minced meat - 2007, oil on canvas, 80x100cm
Minced meat - 2007, oil on canvas, 80x100cm
Self portrait - 2005, acrylic on canvas on acrylic on canvas, 60x80 cm
Self portrait - 2005, acrylic on canvas on acrylic on canvas, 60x80 cm
Sheep's head - 2006, oil on canvas, 40x40 cm
Sheep's head - 2006, oil on canvas, 40x40 cm
Batman and Robin  - 2013-2024, acrylic on canvas, 76x76cm
Batman and Robin - 2013-2024, acrylic on canvas, 76x76cmAvailable for purchase
En underlig gråsprengt en - 2013, acrylic on board, 100x100cm
En underlig gråsprengt en - 2013, acrylic on board, 100x100cmSold
Mountains - 2013, acrylic on board, 100x100cm
Mountains - 2013, acrylic on board, 100x100cm
City burning - 2008, photographic print, 65x40cm
City burning - 2008, photographic print, 65x40cm
Machine - 2006, paint and pen on cardboard, 60x40 cm
Machine - 2006, paint and pen on cardboard, 60x40 cm
The Phantom's skull cave - 2009, cardboard, tape and permanent marker on wall
The Phantom's skull cave - 2009, cardboard, tape and permanent marker on wall
Carousel (diptych)- 2006, oil on canvas, both 50x50 cm
Carousel (diptych)- 2006, oil on canvas, both 50x50 cmAvailable for purchase
Ronald - 2009, installation detail; plastercine and cardboard
Ronald - 2009, installation detail; plastercine and cardboard
Princess Leia and TMNT having a BBQ - 2009, installation detail; cardboard, plastercine and broccoli
Princess Leia and TMNT having a BBQ - 2009, installation detail; cardboard, plastercine and broccoli
Utopia - 2009, installation view
Utopia - 2009, installation view
Raphael holding Nike shoes - 2009, installation detail; plastercine and mirror ball motor
Raphael holding Nike shoes - 2009, installation detail; plastercine and mirror ball motor
Utopia - 2009, installation view
Utopia - 2009, installation view
Leonardo holding a coke - 2009, installation detail; plastercine and mirror ball motor
Leonardo holding a coke - 2009, installation detail; plastercine and mirror ball motor
End of the rainbow - 2009, installation detail; painted cardboard, plastic, paper and glitter
End of the rainbow - 2009, installation detail; painted cardboard, plastic, paper and glitter
Snow - 2005, acrylic on paper, 42x59cm
Snow - 2005, acrylic on paper, 42x59cm
Waterfall - 2009, site specific installation for 'Quest for Paradise Art: Addressing the Boredom'
Waterfall - 2009, site specific installation for 'Quest for Paradise Art: Addressing the Boredom'
Waterfall - 2009, installation detail; painted cloth, cardboard, tape, plastic bowls, glitter
Waterfall - 2009, installation detail; painted cloth, cardboard, tape, plastic bowls, glitter
Ultimate burger - 2009, installation detail; painted clay figurine, mirror ball motor
Ultimate burger - 2009, installation detail; painted clay figurine, mirror ball motor
Pristine beach retreat  - 2009, site specific installation for 'Idle follies'
Pristine beach retreat - 2009, site specific installation for 'Idle follies'
Utopia - 2011, animation
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